Freya and the Terraformer crisis, written by Maria in 6T :)

But right now she had to listen to Chris debriefing her and Brianna about their mission to rescue the SPACEX crew and help them to connect the Mars Terraformer device. Only Brianna could accompany her because they had to bring back the SPACEX crew in their ship as theirs was damaged.

“I will be sending Ben, my personal creation with you too.” Chris looked at Freya annoyed because she was unfocussed.

“Ben?” Freya asked.

“Yes, Ben is my T-rex robot, he will be your guide since you don’t have a full crew for the mission.” Chris said whilst exiting the space ship. “Good luck, ladies.”

The journey to Mars should be uneventful as they now had the capability to use jump points to travel across space faster. As soon as they reached the jump point, it would only take a matter of days to reach Mars. However, a matter of days was two weeks to arrive at their destination. A week into their journey, Freya was preparing some food using the replenishment generator when Ben began squawking, at least that’s what it sounded like.

“What is it?” Brianna asked Freya, startled.

“I think it`s Ben, let’s go and see.” Freya replied, and switched off the device as they both went to see what Ben was doing.

“What`s the matter, Ben?” Brianna asked.

“We have a problem, I am sensing we have 11 hours, 58 min of oxygen left.” Ben said “one of you needs to get to the oxygen hatch and reset the panel or we won`t get to Mars.”

“I`ll do it.” Freya volunteered, as she knew she was the most qualified. She climbed up to the hatch and tried to reset the panel.

“Ben, it`s asking for an override pin?”

“I don`t know it.” He replied back, Brianna quickly logged into the computer panel below and found the pin in the manual override.

“510360!” Brianna shouted at the top of her voice.

Freya input the code and gave a sigh of relief once the panel reset and oxygen was generating at 100% levels She climbed down and beamed at the others.

“All done, thanks Brianna and Ben.” Freya smiled. “How long to the jump point?”

“Any minute now.” Brianna chirped, happy they could complete the mission. Once they got through the next jump point, they could relax as they would reach Mars and find the SPACEX crew in a matter of days.


A few days later, Mars came into view, Ben began plotting a course into the ship`s landing module so they would land close to the Terraformer. The landing on Mars was carried out without a glitch and they all celebrated with cries of joy.

The SPACEX crew saw them, when they exited the ship.

“Hi, I’m Freya, and this is Brianna and our T-rex robot, Ben. We are from the United Kingdom’s Ultimate Space Experience, UKUSE for short,” Freya said excitedly, “And we are here to help.”

“Thank you, we just needed some more solar powered self-replenish batteries, our scientist calculated the wrong voltage needed.” Arnold from the SPACEX crew said.

“We have some in storage, how many is needed?” Ben asked

“I`m not sure.” Arnold replied, a bit embarrassed.

Ben shuffled over to the Terraformer and began to plug into the machine with one of his claws. After a few hours, which seemed like days, he said

“About 57 more batteries are required, luckily we have 62 spare in storage.”

Everyone helped getting the batteries into the Mars Terraformer 101 so that it would create an atmosphere on Mars. It was hard work getting them to the machine because sand kept swirling around them like a mini tornado. The machine was so big, it took a while to find the battery panels and, suddenly they all heard a…..Beep.. beep..beep.

“Ben! What is that noise?” Brianna asked, panicked.

“It seems to be coming from the panel, hurry. The batteries need to be placed quickly, or the machine will blow up!” Ben shrieked at them. Freya looked for the screws and was astonished at how big they were. “We lost the screwdriver in a sandstorm.” Arnold said apologetically.

“Don’t worry.” Ben replied whilst he twisted his leg around, his foot came off and his leg now resembled a huge screwdriver.

“Boy, am I glad you came along Ben.” Brianna and Freya said together.

“Lift me up to the screws and I will open the panel, hurry, we don’t have much time. Ben shouted.


The ‘Beep….beep’ noise was making everyone nervous and they worked alot more quickly. They finally put the last battery in and Brianna took out a laser pen and wrote UKUSE and SPACEX on the panel to mark the occasion.

“I always carry my laser pen everywhere.” She explained when everyone was staring at her. They all shrugged and cheered. It was very important to get the Terraformer working. Earth was becoming very nearly uninhabitable with it heating up every year and all the pollution humans had created before they had created self-sustained, self-replenishing energy. It was too late to save Earth, but they could make Mars their new home by Terraforming it and creating a inhabitable atmosphere.

The SPACEX crew had to leave their ship behind as it was damaged and they all boarded the UKUSE ship to return home now the mission was a success. Freya and Brianna made sure everyone was comfortable and then plotted the return journey back home to Earth. The journey back home was so much more enjoyable as they talked to the SPACEX crew about their experience. The most important thing was everyone was so happy they had given the people on Earth another chance by completing the mission.

Their arrival on Earth was magnificent, everyone cheered and called Freya a hero, as she was the lead on the rescue mission. Freya told everyone humbly that without Brianna and Ben, it would not be possible and she just wanted to go home and rest.

Written by Maria and published by @readnowwritenow.