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The wearing of School uniform is COMPULSORY for all pupils

The Governors wish to promote a smart and corporate image among pupils and staff. Please note, that the School takes no responsibility for items brought to School by children.

Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore (may be worn over) grey or white salwar kameez
White polo-neck
Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with Dale logo
White or light blue hijab or scarf
Black school shoes
Black or white socks

Grey shorts, skirt or pinafore (may be worn over) grey or white salwar kameez
Blue and white check dress - may be worn over grey/white salwar/leggings

ART and MESSY PLAY - Optional
An overall or old shirt is ideal to help prevent getting paint on clothes!

P.E. - Required
White t-Shirt and navy shorts or leggings
Black or navy track suit
Pumps or trainers
Clean vest (optional)
Black or white socks

Jewellery: Jewellery can be a health and safety risk, both for your children and others. Stud earrings and jewellery worn for religious purposes but MUST be removed for PE lessons. Please go to our Policies page to read our full uniform policy.

We encourage the children at Dale to take care of their clothes, but sometimes things get lost! It can get very upsetting when clothing is lost. To try and prevent this from happening, please ensure you label all items of clothing with your child’s name.

Lost property is kept in school for 4 weeks, after which unclaimed items are given to charity.

You can purchase some uniform items from the School Office:
Please see below for prices:

Sweatshirts £10.20
Cardigan £11.20
Book Bag £5.60
PE Bag £4.90

Affordable Options:

We also have second hand-uniform for sale in the school office, donated by our kind parents. You will be offered any used items for £1 if the size and garment type is available.