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Our Assessment Data:

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 2024:

Number of pupils: 77
% of Dale pupils who met the expected standard: 73%
National Average % of pupils who met the expected standard: 80%

KS2 Performance Summary 2023/24:

% of Dale pupils who achieved the expected standards in Reading, Writing and Maths (combined score): 46% (National Average 61%)

% of Dale pupils who achieved the expected standards in Reading: 54% (National Average 74%)

% of Dale pupils who achieved the expected standards in Writing: 62% (National Average 72%)

% of Dale pupils who achieved the expected standards in Maths: 59% (National Average 73%)

% of Dale pupils who achieved the expected standards in grammar, punctuation and spelling: 64% (National Average 72%)

Average point scores in Reading: 102.2
Average point scores in Maths: 103.2
Average point scores in grammar, punctuation and grammar: 103.1

% of Dale pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in Reading: 17% (National Average 28%)

% of Dale pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in Writing: 9% (National Average 13%)

% of Dale pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in Maths: 17% (National Average 24%)

Click here to be directed to and our School’s Performance Tables.

End of Year Expectations:

You can find information about our end of year expectations in our curriculum section.  Each subject area includes a progression document which identifies learning intentions, key knowledge and vocabulary to be taught from Foundation Stage Two through to Year 6.

Year group Long Term Curriculum Plans are located in our Year Group Sections. Here you will also find Topic Knowledge Organisers for each half which identify prior learning, learning intentions and key knowledge for the half term

If you would like any further information please contact our Curriculum Lead, Mrs Parr on 01332 760070.

Foundation Stage Two (Reception)

Children in the EYFS will continue to be assessed against the EYFS profile.  This consists of ‘Ages and Stages’ criteria and Early Learning Goals. At the end of Reception these are reported as ‘Emerging’, ‘Expected’ or ‘Exceeding’ the Early Learning Goals in each area.  If children are assessed as ‘Expected’ they are meeting age related expectations.