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Home Learning for Year 2
Work to Support home learning from 1st and 8th June 2020:
Click here to download the document
Hello Year Two,
We hope you are all safe and well. As you can see we have decided to change the home learning to last over two weeks. Instead of telling you what to do each day, you are now able to choose from the tasks. For example on Monday you could choose to write about being a superhero, listen to a story on YouTube, create your own arithmetic questions and exercise with Joe Wicks. We have also put some of your favourite games to play on there as well as some BBC Bitesize lessons that you can watch with your parents. You can choose how many tasks to do each day, but make sure you complete all the tasks over the next two weeks.
We have been very busy this week getting school ready to open for Reception, Year One and Year Six. Miss Helan will be looking after our Key Worker children, Mrs Parr and Ms Azaim will be looking after a Year One class and Mr Carr will be looking after children in Year Six.
We hope you are making the most of your time at home, enjoying spending time with your family and hopefully we will see you all soon!