How will you support my child through transition?
The school recognises that transitions can be difficult for children with SEND and their families and so take steps to ensure any transition is as smooth as possible.
If your child is moving to another school we will:
Contact the school’s SENCO and ensure they know about any special arrangements and support that needs to be made for your child
Forward all records about your child as soon as possible
If you child is moving classes or year groups in school:
Information will be passed on to new teachers and all relevant information will be shared
Resources/visual timetables passed to new teachers
Children will visit their new class before the actual move takes place
If your child is starting school or transfering from a nursery or infant school:
· Child to visit school
· Parent information sessions delivered with community translation
· Records shared with previous provision
· School staff will visit previous provision (where possible)
· Transition meeting with the Inclusion Manager
Transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3:
· Representative from Secondary School will visit our school and meet pupils and class teachers
· Transition meetings for Year Six staff
· Record and information sharing
· Enhanced transition may include additional visits and Summer School
Transition intervention gro